The world of cats and dogs is very natural –there is no need for them to hide their likes and dislikes. My old NiuNiu, a long-haired golden Butterfly dog, was naturally brilliant and extraordinarily perceptive. She was a dog who devoted all her life to only black and white dogs. Every time she would see a dog of this nature, she couldn’t help herself.
There was a time she was staring out the window from my car when we passed a Western woman on the street corner walking with a large spotted black and white Dachshund –he was nearly two and a half times as long as she! To my surprise, while the car was still moving and without hesitation, NiuNiu suddenly jumped out the window and chased him all over the street. I quickly had to find a spot to pull over to pick her up. People on the street were bent over with laughter.
But I did not think so.
Because of this, I confirmed NiuNiu’s lustful tendencies and inclinations. Soon thereafter, she was a mother og four, one of whom was only black and white –the black sheep of the family.
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